Client-Data Llc Privacy Principles for use of Information:

1. Maintain accountability
2. Identify relevant uses of information
3. Obtain appropriate consent
4. Limit collection
5. Limit use and disclosure
6. Verify accuracy
7. Provide safeguards
8. Maintain transparency
9. Provide individual access
10. Maintain  Compliance Standards


Client-Data Llc is responsible for maintaining and protecting personal information about you in our care or control. We have designated oversight staff who are accountable for compliance with our policies. We sometimes use outside companies, called third parties, to help us provide the product or service you request. Regardless of the location of these third parties,  Client-Data Llc requires these third parties to comply with United States privacy legislation and Client-Data Llc Privacy Principles.

Identifying Purposes

You have a right to know how your information will be used. We will explain why we need your information before or when we collect it, if the purpose is not already clear. We will assume that the purpose is clearly identified when we use your personal information to:

We may also display ads on Client-Data Llc or third party services that we feel may be of interest. These ads are not targeted in any way or based on your personal information or behavior through the Web site.

Aggregate data is general information about groups of customers, and does not identify individual customers. Client-Data Llc may combine your information with that of other individuals to create aggregate data which we will use to improve our products and services and develop new ones. For example, we may tell a third party how many people purchased a certain product, but not that you personally purchased a specific item.

Client-Data Llc will not disclose your personal information to any third parties without your consent, except under the following limited circumstances:


Client-Data Llc will only collect, use and disclose your personal information with your knowledge and consent, except where permitted or as required by law. Client-Data Llc will not rent, sell, or otherwise distribute your personal information without your permission. Your consent to use your personal information will be implied for the following purposes:

You control any future secondary use of your personal information, such as sharing it with marketers. You can prevent future secondary use of your information by “opting out†when Client-Data Llc collects your information or at any time by simply contacting us. Opting out only applies to the secondary purposes because we may need to contact you regarding the usability of your product or alert you of important product revisions or updates.

To change your privacy preferences, please contact us here at the following:

Client-Data Llc
Attention: Privacy Officer
3370 N. Hayden Rd. STE 123-790
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Please note that if you are posting personal information on an online community, this information is publicly available and Client-Data Llc has no further obligations to maintain the privacy of that information.

Limiting Collection Client-Data Llc will only collect personal information for the purposes we’ve identified or for the primary uses as we’ve described above. We will always do this fairly and legally. There are several ways we’ll collect information:

Whenever we ask for information that is not required for us to provide the product or service you requested, we will mark those questions appropriately as optional.


Client-Data Llc uses a variety of Web technologies on our Web sites. Among these are cookies, which are pieces of information that our Web sites provide to your browser. Cookies allow us to track overall site usage and determine areas users prefer. Cookies also allow us to customize your visit to our Web sites by recognizing you when you return. Cookies cannot be used to see any other data on your computer, nor can they determine your e-mail address or identity.

Most browsers accept and maintain cookies by default. Check the “Help†menu of your browser to learn how to change your cookie preference. You can choose to decline cookies while at our Web site, but this may limit your ability to access certain areas of the Web site.

To purchase products from Client-Data Llc and to use the online application, your browser must be able to accept cookie. Cookies are required for these services to authenticate registered users and to provide access to certain areas of our Web sites that are available to limited registered users only. Cookies are deleted when you close your browser, as well; this authentication becomes invalid after a certain period of time.

With or without cookies, our Web sites track usage data, such as the source address that a page request is coming from, your IP address or domain name, the date and time of the page request, the referring Web site (if any) and other parameters in the URL. We use this data to better understand Web site usage in the aggregate so that we know what areas of our Web site users prefer. This information is stored in log files and is used for aggregated and statistical reporting. This log information is not linked to personal information gathered elsewhere on the site.

Client-Data Llc Websites may include banner advertisements or links to third-party Web sites. Advertising networks that serve ads may assign different cookies to you. Those cookies may be used to track your involvement with the advertising site. You may choose not to accept these cookies. Client-Data Llc does not control these parties, and you should review their privacy policies to learn more about what, why and how they collect and use personal information. For information about online behavioral advertising and consumer opt out for the OBA self-regulatory program, visit

Co-branded Websites

Our co-branded sites are clearly identified by both an Client-Data Llc and a third-party logo. Client-Data Llc Websites may provide links to third-party Web sites, such as those of online advertisers and companies which have been carefully screened by Client-Data Llc. On these sites, third-parties and Client-Data Llc may collect information about you. Client-Data Llc is not responsible for the actions of these third-parties, and Client-Data Llc’s collection of personal information is in accordance with our privacy practices. We encourage you to review their privacy policies to learn more about how they collect, use and share personal information.

Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention

Client-Data Llc will not use or disclose your personal information other than for the purposes for which it was collected, with the exception of receiving your consent or as permitted or required by law. When providing information in response to a legal inquiry or order, we will verify its validity and only disclose information that is legally required.

Client-Data Llc has multi-national relationships and is able to leverage high quality technology resources in multiple countries in order to maintain its high security standards. As such, some personal information may be shared within Client-Data Llc and stored in countries outside of your home country.

Client-Data Llc will keep personal information only as long as necessary for the identified purposes or as required by law. Client-Data Llc will follow internally set guidelines and use care in the disposal, destruction, or de-identification of personal information to prevent unauthorized parties from gaining access to personal information.


Client-Data Llc will keep your personal information as accurate, complete and up-to-date as necessary for the identified purposes for which it was collected. We encourage you to let us know if your contact information changes.


We protect personal information in our possession and control by using security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the information. Client-Data Llc works to protect personal information from loss, misuse and unauthorized alteration using industry-recognized security safeguards. We restrict internal access to personal information to select members of Client-Data Llc’s staff.


This policy is an overview of information about our policies and practices relating to the management of personal information. Any changes or modifications to our privacy practices will be posted in this policy for 30 days before they take effect. We will not make retroactive changes to the practices associated with your personal information without your consent.

Individual Access

Subject to exceptions as permitted or mandated by law and subject to your written request for such information, Client-Data Llc will inform you of the existence, use and disclosure of your personal information and give you access to that information. You have the right to challenge the accuracy and completeness of your information and have it amended as appropriate.

Challenging Compliance

You may contact us with questions, comments or complaints regarding Client-Data Llc’s privacy policy and practices. Please contact Client-Data Llc’s Privacy Officer, whose contact details may be requested via email: .